Being a confident driver isn’t something that’s talked about often. But the truth is, in today’s day and age where there’s enough anxiety to make even the most “rock solid” folks out there stressed out… lots of people would feel better behind the wheel if they had a little more confidence.
So here are 2 easy ways you can become a more confident driver:
- Make sure you know exactly where you’re going
Let’s face it - most of us know how to get to and from work… and to and from the grocery store.
But if you have to drive someplace new, or someplace you haven’t been to in a while… sometimes it’s a push to remember how to get there. And not knowing how to get someplace is definitely something that’s going to cause stress and potentially weaken your confidence.
Knowing exactly where you’re going and how to get there, is really important, and something that definitely increases your confidence.
Make sure, before you go someplace, you either look at some kind of a GPS map on your phone… or go onto Google and print out the directions. Removing uncertainty ALWAYS increases confidence, in pretty much everything you’re going to do in life.
A car is like an outfit you put on, in the sense that if you’re not comfortable wearing a particular set of clothes… then you’re definitely going to feel a little insecure. And a car is the same way.
If you’re not 100% comfortable sitting behind the wheel, there’s no possible way you’re going to be as confident as possible driving.
Here are some things that make people uncomfortable:
- Your car is too big to comfortably maneuver…
- Car is too expensive or too dainty, and you’re scared of messing it up…
- Engine is too small for you to feel confident to drive it…
- Air conditioner / power windows / wipers or any number of other things are broken...
While in some cases, this just means a repair… in other cases you might want to consider selling or trading in your car. Sure this will cost you money, but you have to decide which is a greater cost: extra money to fix or sell your car… or the anxiety you’re going through on a daily basis by NOT fixing it.
In life, having confidence is often the difference between being happy and being miserable. And trust me you DESERVE to be happy - everyone does.
Remember, happiness is a choice… so choose wisely :-)
Safe travels…
Nick & Chad - Team TLC
- While we here at The Last Coat, can’t make you more confident… we can definitely help you become happier by saving some money.
Right now, while this is fresh in your mind, and before anything else comes up… take 20% off ANY item in our store: Just use SAVE20 in your shopping cart, and you’re good to go